Hello Everyone, it's good to be back. We had a lovely time in Cambridge, what a pretty part of the country this is. Cambridge itself is full of history and the University buildings are magnificent. Everybody cycles around the town as you can see from the pictures there are bikes everywhere. On the river Ouze there are punts and people love to be taken down the river in them, I think the students earn a bit of cash from doing this. We spent a great day here, there are lots of little alleys and tiny streets which are enchanting and seem to say please walk this way, and we always do and usually find something special at the other end. We also went to St. Ives (cambridgeshire) this is where Oliver Cromwell was born and there is a large statue of him in the town square. We went to St Neots which was a quaint little place and this is where you see the eccentricity of the english come to light, there were dancers in the market square they wore clogs and all sorts of wonderful costumes and had the time of their lives entertaining the public, we clapped and tapped along with the best of them. I will put some pictures on for you to see.