Hello, this is a picture of my Mum when she was about 80, she was a very brave lady who suffered with a lot of painful joints but she kept on her feet until the last week of her life, she died when she was 93 yrs old the last words she said to me were "Think of me sometimes" well I do think of her often and I still miss being able to tell her things that are happening in my life, as you can see she loved flowers and always had baskets hanging outside her door, this was a flat on the ground floor of a small block and I can remember standing in her lounge and looking out at a family of ducks, she had started to feed them and every day the mother duck would come along with her babies following in a line and she would tap on the window to tell my Mum "Hey we are here and we would like something to eat" it was comical to watch.
Kathleen and I have been for our weekly big shop, we had a good day, I then came home and proceeded to plant lots of plants and I still have'nt finished, I hope to finish them tomorrow weather permitting, I am now going to put my feet up.