Hello everybody I have been reading some of the posts that have gone on whilst I have been away, it's lovely to have these to look forward to after you have put all the washing in the machine. Do you like my two Chintz finds the little bud vase is covered in roses and the scalloped dish has sweet peas all over, I found them when we went into London from Sussex and we called into Alfie's Antique Market, what a place!! there are three floors of beautiful things some of them take your breath away, I think that the film and television companies borrow stuff from them for their Drama's. The building itself is worth looking at it is Art Deco, Alfie's is in Church St, Marylebone and is definitely worth a visit. We went to some lovely places while we were away I will post some photographs next time. My friend cottonreel is away in Scotland but should be back on Sunday I am looking forward to seeing her and catching up.