I love spring more than any other season because it means everything starts afresh. When we were little my Mom always made sure we had new clothes for Easter, new dress new sandals and new white socks and a little straw bonnet to wear to church on Easter Sunday it always made it so special, we were always given a bunch of Primroses to take home to Mum. Now Kate my daughter is a Mum to Jude and she went to a little club called Nappychino where the lovely ladies of the Baptist church serve coffee and home made cakes to the new mums and the mums get to know each other and have a good chat, when Kate went on Tuesday all the Mums were given a bunch of Daffodils to celebrate Mothers Day which is this Sunday 18th it is so nice to know that some of the traditions carry on.
This afternoon is going to be sunny and warm so I am going to the Garden Centre to buy my Mum-in-Law a garden pot full of spring flowers to celebrate Mothers Day, Unfortunately I lost my Mum a few years ago but I will think of her on that day and remember the smiles as she received her small bouquets from her children. Happy Mothering Sunday to all you Moms.