We have had a really lovely week of bright sunny frosty weather. The sun has had warmth in it and it felt very good. Kathleen and I have started walking early in the morning and we definitely feel better for it, it is lovely to walk around the village and see spring starting to burst forth. Tony and I went shopping for our new bed yesterday and we found a lovely French style bed with a carved swag on the headboard 'I love it' it will take about four weeks to be delivered which gives us time to get the new carpet fitted.
We are hoping to go away in the caravan for a few days we were going to go in February but it was so cold we decided to wait, so now the weather is slowly getting better we will risk it. I bought some lovely Mable Lucy Attwell fabric on Friday at the fabric guild it is so pretty and will make lovely cot quilts. so thank you God everything is good in my world at the moment. Happy Sunday.