Hi everyone, sorry I have been a bit bad this week and not posted but I have been very busy. On Monday it was shopping day and we had to take Kathleens sewing machine to be repaired, on Tuesday I went to an auction whilst Kathleen waited in for a delivery man, Wednesday was a washing sewing day, Thursday was a day in town with Kathleen shopping for necessities and today we have picked up the mended sewing machine, dropped off some stuff at the charity shop and then popped into the fabric guild for stuff.
I have been so concerned this week about the floods in Australia and if you read Jenny of Elefantz blog you will find out how you can help, now we have the floods in Brazil has the world gone mad? we seem to be getting such extreme's of weather at the moment. The lovely seed catalogue cover you see is courtesy of Miss Rhea blogspot she has some lovely stuff on her blog. I hope you all have a good weekend.