Today is a Bank Holiday Monday, my husband always works these holidays and has a day off later, so Cottonreel and I went out to a place called Breedon-on-the-Hill in Leicestershire this is a pretty little village with a lovely church high on the hill, they also have a crafts and Antiques centre and we love to go there for a browse around but of course we have to have coffee and cake first. I got these cups from a man who was using them for ballast in buckets he was selling, the green one with morning glories on is a Royal Albert and he let me have it for £2 the other 3 cups had no saucers but two of them are Royal Albert and he let me have these for 50pence each thats less than half a Dollar and the little plate he gave me for nothing so I did really well, even though Kate's wedding is over I still cannot resist cups and saucers. Inside the building there were lots of antique stalls and one in particular was beautiful selling Vintage tablecloths, Napkins, pillow cases cushion covers and lots more, I have never seen such beautiful crochet edged tablecloths and she had so many, so as you can imagine we are going back there soon.