Here is a photo of from left to right, me (Bluebell) a friend Elaine and my lovely Cottonreel, we had a lovely day you can see some of the Malvern Hills in the background. There were lots of people there as it was the first day and it was a lovely sunny day.The first port of call was the Toilet (Bathroom) there was a queue as usual then it was coffee time with a slice of cake, then it was time to go in and face the hordes

, as usual we wanted to look at everything at once but we calmed down and started around the perimeter of the room Oh! so many lovely fabrics and books and sewing machines all these wonderful goodies, we did a lot of stroking and oohing and aahing and then we settled into a steady stroll and started to buy, we all bought some ovely things and I will list mine after this post, there is a stall called Rich Pickings and she has bags of the most exquisite lace and white embroidered bits which are the left over bits from french lingerie I bought quite a few of these bags they are so special and this is the only place I see them. I got a scrapbag of Tilda Fabrics for £1 and lots of buttons there were oh so many. We sat and had our lunch outside in the sunshine and then we went back in for another look around, this time we looked at the quilts that had been made and entered in the show there were some good ones. We started to wilt and knew it was time to go home, the journey was good and we got to Cottonreels and had a cup of tea and a biscuit and then it was time to go home and look at the things I had bought Lovely!