As you know my daughter Kate got married to Steve recently and went to America on honeymoon, they had a wonderful week in New York the Waldorf Astoria upgraded them to a suite and they were thrilled. They then journeyed to Chatham in Cape Cod and stayed in a lovely cottage on White Pond where they were greeted with a lovely sign on the door saying Just Married and a bottle of champagne with two lovebirds attached such a lovely thought. They went to the beach lots of times and on this particular day Kate was sunbathing and reading and Steve had just come out from a swim and was drying himself, suddenly a little voice said "Kate I've lost my wedding ring, its fallen off in the sand" immediately thay start to look frantically and this goes on for a while to no avail, so both upset they set off home to the cottage. When they got home Steve went into the little store shed that was attached to the cottage and came in with a metal detector which needed batteries so off to the supermarket to get some and yes it did work so they went back to the beach, they discovered a couple of pennies and some silver foil but nothing else at this point Kate was really upset and I think a bit cross and started to cry saying "I really thought we would find it" and she dumped the metal detector on the sand at which point it gave out a loud noise, well yes you guessed it they carefully cleared the sand and there was the wedding ring, What a relief to them both,a pretty amazing story and I am so glad it had a happy ending.