Cottonreel and I had a brilliant day yesterday at The Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, we started out really early
and managed to get there with time to spare, we had coffee and visited the bathroom and then joined the queue which was very long,we had to walk quite a long way to find the end, Cottonreel moaned all the way to the end but we had lots of fun, once the doors were opened it was like a stampede with all these ladies of a certain age rushing to get to the fabric. We looked at the quilts first and some of them were breathtaking, I think my favourite was the little church with the blossom tree in full bloom, each blossom has three tiny beads sewn in the middle it was exquisite! The Meerkats was a popular one and very funny, I loved the art deco hanging

and the quilt with all the squares has a little window in each square and it reminded me of the Hitchcock film Rear Window.
We bought lots of stuff, we were'nt going to buy fabric or patterns, of course we bought both, it got very crowded and by 3pm we had had enough, we caught the shuttle bus back to the car giggling a little because everyone had sore feet and we were all walking a bit funny. I love quiltmaking and when I see some of the work that goes into the making of these art quilts I am truly amazed.