Hello I have been a busy girl doing lots of things and spending more than I should on my outfit for Kate's wedding, Last week I went out and spent so much I was in shock for the whole day but, I got over it. Is'nt it funny if we are buying things for our kids or husbands we never think of the cost but when it's something for ourselves we always feel guilty. I have spoken to friends and relatives and all the Mums say they find it difficult to spend money on themselves. Well this week I thought, 'I want it' so I bought it. Then today I went out with cottonreel and did it again and bought some far too expensive shoes to go with the far too expensive outfit and now I am going to buy a far too expensive Hat and Handbag. I really want to feel special for Kate and she is really excited that I have finally been able to spend on myself.
Now I am going to lie down in a darkened room and try not to panic.