Hello, happy wednesday everyone, I love this little cushion it was so easy to make, I used a fleece blanket I had bought from Ikea for £2.50 and I will get at least 6 cushions from it.As you can see the pattern is by Gail Penberthy, I seem to like a lot of her patterns and I bought another one at Malvern it is a Tea Cosy with a Cafe frontage and you can personalise the cafe name to whatever you want, Lovely! I spent the morning yesterday drawing out a new wholecloth quilt pttern onto white cotton, Kathleen came to help and point me in the right direction, it looks lovely I am looking forward to quilting it. For a reward we had some lovely chocolate pud that I had made from a recipe I got from Cherry Menlove's site it was delicious and simple to make. I am now going downstairs to continue painting the skirting boards and windowsill in my dining room and as the sun is shining I may even do some washing, is'nt life wonderful.