Friday, 21 August 2009

Oh Boy!! What A Day

Hi Everybody, we had a perfect day at the quilt show yesterday, so many beautiful quilts to see and so many ideas going around in your head it was a blast. The three of us got our photo taken as we went through the doors we gave him jazz hands a huge smiles so goodness knows where that will end up. It is quite funny to see all these people with their homemade patchwork bags and camera's at the ready all bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to hit the fabric stalls, the funniest sight is at about mid. afternoon when the eye's are not so bright and the tails have definitely drooped and watching people get up from a sitting position is hilarious their feet hurt their legs hurt their arms are tired from carrying all their loot and they definitly need a cup of tea. We all bought goodies I think silversewer spent the most but cottonreel and I both needed to hit the cash machine at one stage. We of course had coffee and huge muffins to start the day and we met friends there too. Cottonreel made Kaffe Fassett laugh which is not easy I don't know how she does it. By the time we came out we were spent out and worn out but very happy.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Leicester Market

Sorry I have'nt been blogging for a few days but I am a bit busy sewing at the moment. This is a picture of Kathleen 'cottonreel' in our market in the city of Leicester. We went shopping as usual on Monday and called here for lovely fresh fruit and veg., it is very noisy with all the stallholders shouting their wares, it is a mixture of fresh food, clothes antiques and lots of other items, there is a fresh fish market close by where my husband always goes on christmas eve to buy all the ingredients for paella which he makes for dinner and which has become a tradition in our family, even if he wanted to stop the kids would'nt let him. Kathleen of course could'nt resist posing, we had loads of bags which were very heavy, we had travelled in on the park and ride, so by the time we got on the bus to take us back to the car we had very long arms. I will post again soon but probably not tomorrow as we are off to The Festival of Quilts at the NEC we are very excited there will be three of us me 'bluebell' cottonreel' and 'silversewer' I had better take a quilted bag this time as last time cottonreel told me I had let the side down because I took a bag from 'Paperchase' it took me weeks to live that one down. See you soon!

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