Hello, I have had a bit of a sad day today, I lost one of my brothers last week he had cancer and was very ill, he was also a good age but he was my brother and today I went to his funeral. It is always a bitter/sweet moment saying goodbye to someone you loved and saying hello to lots of
relatives you have not seen for ages. My family is a large one there were six girls and four boys, I have now lost two sisters and two brothers and all of the others are getting quite old, as I am the youngest, the baby of the family, it is quite hard to watch them grow old I of course am getting old too 63 but I still feel about 25, my best age. It was lovely to see all my neices and nephews and their children, my brother had quite a send off and was buried near my parents in Droitwich at St. Peters Church a lovely old church where I used to go to Sunday School and we used to have picnics in the fields that surround the church so, a happy place to be laid to rest. I'm off to do some quilting now this always cheers me up, my son is back from Italy tomorrow so I am hoping he will be able to sort out my photo problem see you all soon.
Mama Gypsy QAL Second Row of Blocks and Winner!
5 years ago