Thursday, 30 July 2009

A bit of a Sad Day

Hello, I have had a bit of a sad day today, I lost one of my brothers last week he had cancer and was very ill, he was also a good age but he was my brother and today I went to his funeral. It is always a bitter/sweet moment saying goodbye to someone you loved and saying hello to lots of
relatives you have not seen for ages. My family is a large one there were six girls and four boys, I have now lost two sisters and two brothers and all of the others are getting quite old, as I am the youngest, the baby of the family, it is quite hard to watch them grow old I of course am getting old too 63 but I still feel about 25, my best age. It was lovely to see all my neices and nephews and their children, my brother had quite a send off and was buried near my parents in Droitwich at St. Peters Church a lovely old church where I used to go to Sunday School and we used to have picnics in the fields that surround the church so, a happy place to be laid to rest. I'm off to do some quilting now this always cheers me up, my son is back from Italy tomorrow so I am hoping he will be able to sort out my photo problem see you all soon.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Rain Rain Rain and Knickers

It is a really awful day today the rain has not stopped, Cottonreel and I have been to Marks & Spencer for new knickers, she suddenly panicked because she is going away for a month to Cyprus she needed more knickers. Of course whilst we were there we had coffee and pastries.
I still cannot put any photo's on my blog but hopefully this should be fixed by the weekend.
I am going to tidy my sewing room today because I keep going in there and then coming back out thinking "I cannot face that today" but I have to get started or it will just get worse, once it is done I will love it again. Sorry this all looks a bit boring bit without photo's I can't get inspired.

Monday, 27 July 2009

Still Having Trouble

Hello! nice to hear from all you people again, I'm afraid I am still having trouble with my computer so no photographs yet. Cottonreel and I have been out today, we did the usual drank coffee and ate pastries, I bought my daughter two lovely dresses in a sale they are so pretty I will send them to her for a little surprise. My son Andrew is in Italy at the moment with friends so my husband and I are all alone it's Lovely! I am still hand quilting my yellow and white quilt I have a bout a quarter to do, it looks good, I have another in the pipeline this is in blues and pinks so I am keeping busy. Cottonreel is off to Cyprus for a month on Sunday I am taking her to the airport, I am going to miss her she is great company and makes me laugh a lot, she has been buying up most of the clothes shops and is ready for action when she gets there. There is a computer she can use so we will be hearing from her no doubt. We are going to have hair trims tomorrow so that probably means more pastries and coffee, Life is just too good.

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