Just after we bought him we went on a boat Whale Watching and I will never forget that What an experience!! the whales all came out to play and there were at least 20 to 30 around the boat doing their stuff it was magic!
Mama Gypsy QAL Second Row of Blocks and Winner!
5 years ago
So cute!!
What a sweet goose! That must have been a wonderful experience for you, watching whales..
Just so cute!!
Don't you just love the boat ride & seeing the whales .. I love it up there. Our son runs the Boston Marathon so we go there for this event & enjoy many of the touristy fun things also.
Merry Christmas, TTFN ~ Marydon
**NEW BLOG** blushingrosetoo.blogspot.com
What a sweet little goose ornament, and a good story too! I've never been whale watching, but it must have been so exciting! Hugs, Paulette ;)
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