Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Kensington and Chelsea

Hi the man stood by the lampost is my husband Tony and the row of coloured houses you can see on the left of the picture is the start of Portobello Rd. The blossom trees Tony is stood under had the most wonderful smell. I have just visited Diana Knotts musings and from there went onto a quilting blog Anya and from there to Hill creek quilters where I found out about Selvedge quilting it's fascinating. and I wish I knew how to highlight the blogs so you all could visit them but I dont can anyone help?


Anonymous said...

Gill, does this help:

Thank you for referring people to my blog! I'm going to have to check out the selvage edge quilting too!


Scrappy quilter said...

If you have a blog name, put the name in your post. For instance the name Diane. Highlight that name (Diane), then go to where you see the little chain, right next to the place where you can change the text color. You'll see the row under the title part of the post. Hit that chain and it will pop up a little block where you then put in the link to Diane's blog. Just make sure you only have one http before the link. HTH.

If you have any trouble, let me know on my blog and I'll help.

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