Sunday 26 August 2012

I Spy Quilt

I have had a lovely day in my sewing room today, I have been putting together an I Spy quilt for Jude, it has lots of animals and fruit and veg all very colourful oh there are cars and trucks as well, I also added lots of ribbon tags as Jude has a fascination for silky labels and concentrates very hard on them poking his little finger at them so I found lots of different texxtured ribbon and made lots of tags for him to play with, all I have to do now is put it together with wadding and a backing and then quilt it, I may have a go on Kathleens longarm quilter so that I can get it done quickly.
Hope you are all having a good day.

1 comment:

Chris H said...

Wow that is one busy quilt... so much going on. Cute touch the tags are.

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