Hello everyone, gosh this time if year is so busy with decorating, sewing, shopping, making cakes and Puddings plus all the other daily jobs too. The weather here is very cold at the moment but, the sun is out and everything looks clean and sparkly. I am getting on quite well with my Christmas shopping and sewing but still have some to do. The sad news is Cottonreel lost her Mom last Friday, she was a bright and lively 97 year old with a zest for life but she fianally started to fail and died peacefully in her sleep last Friday morning. Kathleen is sad but realises that her mom had to leave her sometime soon, so lots of hugs for Kathleen (cottonreel)
Please pass on my sympathies to her.
Please pass my sympathies to her too. Hugs
So sorry to hear of this news - love and prayers to cottonreel
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